So I made four posts, then went on an eight month hiatus. Since April, I've done a couple of little projects in the kitchen that I'll photograph soon and get posted. I've redone the upstairs bathroom. I've made some incredible Craig's List and Goodwill finds that I'll photograph and share if I can ever get some good photographs. Right now all I have is my phone and I just can't get any good pictures. I've also done two wedding showers that had some great DIY decorations. I'll share those eventually too... :)
I'm off for three weeks at Christmas and I have some major plans.
Here's my impossible to do list:
Brown paper floor DIY in the living room
Find a way to refresh the hard wood floors of the front room, kitchen, and dining rooms
Pick paint colors for bedroom and laundry room
Frequent the Restore to find cabinets for the laundry room
Get curtains made for the bedroom
Finish third curtain for the kitchen
WOW! That doesn't even include my dreams of actually painting the bedroom and the laundry room OR working on turning one of the upstairs extra bedrooms in a dream closet.
I plan to sort out some pinterest boards to seperate things I like from things I actually want to do around here!
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